Le WIKI francophone consacré à Windows Phone et à Android ...

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Cette recherche, faite dans 8,08 MB (378 documents, 11823 mots), complétée en0,0 secondes a retourné2 éléments.

Réflexions sur la protection de Windows Phone 7 — 60,0%

[...] is enabling anyone to download all marketplace apps in their disabled state. The following C# code snippet when invoked from a Visual Studio 2010 Console Application using "new XapDownloader().Download()" will download all the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace XAPs to a local folder on your machine within a few hours. 1.1. Warning It's reasonable to assume that Microsoft will be logging all incoming HTTP connections to their XAP servers. Make sure to use proxies when executing this code snippet. 1.2. Required Action: Download [...]

Aide pour la syntaxe utilisée par le WIKI (En Anglais) — 40,0%

[...] wraps/unwraps selected text with (((...))) Line Break: inserts a single line break in the text Insert Snippet: allows to insert a Snippet [...]

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